Thursday, December 08, 2005

a matter of choice

it is just a matter of choice,

be happy or sad, be successful or not etc.
everything is just a matter of choice. I chose
to keep on pouring what's on my mind thru blogging.

Until now I am still here because I chose to keep
living. I dont know when I could start loving again.
What matters to me now is that i live for my kids and
myself. I don't remember having cursed someone because
I believe in karma. A choice not to feel is something
that bothers me.Who knows? This one will kill me, after
having gone thru a lot, that is all that could stop me.

If I can buy happiness I'll save a lot and buy plenty of happiness.
If I can save love, I will.
If I can just close my eyes now and be i paradise, I will.

Everything is a matter of choice......

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